The start of a tail of four gamers was a slow one for me being new to the hobby thou I knew that this was the route to go for me it would help me focus on getting my painting done i am behind on my painting from the first month and with each new addition of point at the very least make me work on building army list (trying them all out would be better).
We are on the start of the next month and now am working on my new list for 750 points now going off of my first list I have to add 250 more points to it. this is what I am coming up with.
Space Marines
List one:
Captain with a power sword 115
Terminator 5 man squad with Sergeant power sword and 4 power fists 200
Tactical squad 10 man one rocket and one flamer 170
Tactical squad 5 man 90
Scout squad with teleport homer 90
landspeeder storm 50
Rhino 35
Total 750
List two:
Captain with a power sword 115
Dreadnought with multi melta 105
Tactical squad 10 man one rocket and one flamer 170
Tactical squad 10 man one rocket and one flamer 170
Scout squad 5 man 75
Landspeeder storm with multi melta 65
Rhino with hunter killer missile 45
Total 750
List three:
Captain with a power sword and melta bomb 120
Tactical squad 10 man one rocket and one flamer (Sergeant melta bomb) 175
Tactical squad 10 man one rocket and one flamer (Sergeant melta bomb) 175
Tactical squad 5 man (Sergeant melta bomb) 95
Scout squad 5 man 75
Landspeeder storm with multi melta 65
Rhino with Hunter killer missile 45
Total 750
That is just a few I have run the numbers on I am still working on more configurations..